Online Store
RunPTO Online Store Benefits
You can easily set up your PTO or PTA Online Store within minutes.
Just add the Product Details, set up the Payment Gateway and your beautiful personailzed PTO or PTA Online Store is ready for business.

Embed the Online Store on the Website

QR Code or URL Link for your Online Store
Parents can walk to a desk and scan the QR Code on a paper on a desk or a wall and it will take them directly to the Online Store. You can also email or text the Store url link
Online Store User has their own personal log history

All Orders Reports can be grouped by Fund Group, Customer. Email, Item Name

Summary Reports for various Fundraiser Groups

Charts for Presentation

Payment Gateway
You will need to open the Stripe or Paypal Account for your Online Shop.
Note: RunPTO does not collect payments. Your money directly goes to your bank account registered at Stripe or Paypal.
RunPTO prefers Stripe as it is the best checkout experience for customers.

Online Store feature in RunPTO by CloudInfoSystems