How Can We Help?
beylikdüzü escort All In One Software Platform for Parent Teacher Organizations, KMSPico, Parent Teacher Associations, and Booster Clubs.
Store and Share Newsletters
Click on Newsletter in the Documents section

Clicking on the Newsletter option above will bring up the screen below.

- Click on the Add New button to add a new Newsletter or the pencil icon to modify existing Newsletter records. Enter the following:
- Order No: This number will display the documents in descending order
- Description: Give a description for the Newsletter. e.g. Month and Year
- Add File: Add a file (Do not do more than one)
- Start Upload: Upload the file
- Display When Shared: If you do not want to share the document, you can turn it off here.
- Click on Save to save the record

This is how it will appear to a user without administrator privileges.

You can also create links for the Newsletters and embed it on your website or distribute it for sharing among your members
Example of clicking on a Newsletter above.